RGA’s Richard Grubb moderating an ACRA session on pathways into the CRM industry.
Representatives from RGA recently attended the American Cultural Resources Association’s 30th annual conference, which was held from September 25th to the 28th in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The American Cultural Resources Association (ACRA) is a nationwide network of professional firms and service partners in the cultural resource management (CRM) industry, of which RGA is proud to be a member firm and sponsor.
As with many of our friends in the CRM industry, the annual ACRA conference is a nexus for networking with the firms and organizations that RGA regularly interacts and partners with, as well as for staying up to date with the latest initiatives and accomplishments within the industry.
This year was ACRA’s largest annual conference to-date, and RGA was well represented by Richard Grubb, Stephanie Grubb, and Danielle Cathcart.
On Friday the 27th, Richard Grubb moderated a session on pathways into the CRM industry for students, highlighting the involvement of community college programs. He was joined in a lively discussion by Ann Scott, Co-Chair of ACRA’s Academic Collaboration Committee, Matt Metcalf, Coordinator of the Historic Preservation Program at Bucks County Community College, Mary Prasciunas, Director of the Center for Archaeological Field Training at Pima Community College, and Robby Heckman, President of Statistical Research, Inc.
The following night saw Richard honored for his longstanding commitment to growing ACRA’s membership and the CRM industry with a President’s Award, which was presented during ACRA’s Industry Awards Social.

Richard Grubb being presented with ACRA’s President’s Award.
We would also like to congratulate Danielle Cathcart, who was recently appointed Chair of ACRA’s Collections Management and Curation Committee, for giving a presentation to ACRA’s Board of Directors to update them on the committee’s accomplishments. RGA is very proud to have such active members within the ACRA community.
Looking ahead, on September 11-14, 2025, we are excited to be co-host of next year’s annual conference in Raleigh, North Carolina along with New South Associates.
More information about ACRA, its initiatives, and member benefits can be found at acra-crm.org.