Historic Architectural Surveys
RGA’s large, highly respected staff of architectural historians and historians are frequently entrusted with completing reconnaissance and intensive-level historic architecture surveys including for regulatory compliance. They are experts in evaluating the significance of historic resources and assessing their eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Our architectural historians also prepare municipal historic sites inventories and provide historic interpretive and mitigation services. Services include:
- Reconnaissance-level Historic Architectural Surveys
- Intensive-level Historic Architectural Surveys
- HABS/HAER/HALS Documentation
- Large Format Photography
- Alternatives Analyses
- Applications for Project Authorization (New Jersey Register of Historic Places Act)
- Interpretive Signage
- Design Consultation
- National Register of Historic Places Nominations
- Administrative Histories
- Memorandum of Agreement Preparation
- Programmatic Agreement Preparation
- Historic Structure Reports
- Preservation Plans
- SHPO and Tribal (Native American) Coordination and Consultation
- NEPA Documentation (CED, EA, and EIS)
- Section 106 Eligibility/Effects Documentation
- Area of Potential Effects (APE) Delineation